Annual Report 2023

Figure 4: Location of the El Palmar project (and Verde Chico property) relative to the Llurimagua and Cascabel Alpala and TandayamaAmerica deposits, and the Toachi fault system which is considered important for the localisation of porphyry copper-gold-molybdenum mineralisation in northern Ecuador. El Palmar Copper-Gold Porphyry Project – Northern Ecuador (Sunstone 70% – acquiring up to 100%) Sunstone has made a significant discovery at the highly prospective El Palmar gold-copper porphyry project, located in northern Ecuador, 60km north-west of Ecuador’s capital Quito. Travel time to site from Quito is approximately 3 hours. The property sits on the regionally significant Toachi Fault Zone, the same regional structural belt that hosts the 2.66Bt Alpala copper-gold porphyry deposit grading 0.25g/t gold and 0.37% copper, and the 0.53Bt Tandayama-America deposit grading 0.19g/t gold and 0.24% copper within the Cascabel project (see www.solgold. for details), and in the vicinity of the 1Bt Llurimagua copper-molybdenum porphyry deposit grading 0.89% copper and 0.04% molybdenum (Figure 4). Sunstone is acquiring 100% of the El Palmar project and currently holds 70% under the Staged Acquisition Agreement signed on 12th August 2020. Overview Operating Review continued 9 Sunstone Metals Limited Annual Report 2023